
Who is responsible for security in a rental property?

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By: Shannon

When you’re planning a move into rented accommodation security should be one of the things you take into consideration.  Its all very well finding the perfect home but if the landlord hasn’t taken care to keep the security up to date it might well be a risky option, and end up costing you more than you thought.

Top 5 reasons for installing CCTV

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By: Shannon

CCTV can be an effective and useful security measure for homes and businesses.  We’ve looked at how it can help and put together the following five reasons for installing CCTV.

Vacant Property Security

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By: Shannon

Whether you are going on holiday, have moved out of your house or have an empty business premises, you need to consider the security of the property whilst it is unoccupied.   When you go on holiday it is common to ask a neighbour, friends or family to keep an eye on your home, go around and water plants, pick up post and generally make the place look lived in.