Taxi Marshals

Leisuresec has over a decade of experience providing Taxi Marshals to a number of town and city centres, and has worked with Councils and Bid Partnerships to pilot and develop Taxi Marshal schemes. 

London Taxi

How Leisuresec Taxi Marshals can benefit your city centre:

  • They present a friendly and helpful face to your city.  Dressed smartly, approachable and with good communication skills, Leisuresec taxi marshals help encourage visitors to return to the city.
  • They will help to keep the night time economy successful by making sure your city centre is safe and welcoming to visitors.  With conflict management and customer care training, our marshals will be selected carefully to match your requirements.
  • They keep local businesses informed about any problems or troublemakers, using the Pubwatch scheme.  Working in partnership with other local businesses often helps to foresee and prevent disturbances.
  • Taxi Marshals can help to reduce the pressure emergency services face each weekend by reducing the risk of road traffic accidents, using conflict management training to diffuse escalating situations and providing first aid if required.
  • They provide support to anyone in distress or vulnerable, making sure they are safe; our SIA licensed Taxi Marshals are DBS checked, screened and trained in customer care.
  • They help to prevent crime and can act as the eyes and ears of local law enforcement, especially when using body-worn surveillance equipment. These cameras can be essential in evidence gathering, as well as deterring criminal activity and anti-social behaviour.

View our full range of security services and if have any queries, please take a look at our frequently asked questions.

TestimonialClearly all stakeholders have benefited and we are very pleased with these results. We have agreed to extend the initiative with Leisuresec plc, whose marshals must take much credit for the success of the Council’s innovative pilot, reducing illegal ‘pick ups’, controlling taxi queues, improving the safety of vulnerable persons, and dealing with confrontational situations.Testimonial
Julie Jackson - Nuneaton & Bedworth Council 


Leisuresec in the news

Taxi marshals in town

Nuneaton & Bedworth Council in Warwickshire decided in 2014 on a trial of a town centre taxi marshals scheme read full article

Increasing Popularity of Town Centre Taxi Marshals in Midlands – Solihull & Nuneaton

Groups of people in town centres late at night, after leaving clubs and keen to get home, can easily spark unsociable behaviour that needs to be defused quickly to prevent violence and public disorder.

That’s why an increasing number of councils are appointing Taxi Marshals who are proving to be highly effective in towns and cities – reducing illegal ‘pick ups’, controlling taxi queues, improving the safety of vulnerable persons, and dealing with confrontational situations read full article