
Nuneaton & Bedworth Council in Warwickshire decided in 2014 on a trial of a town centre taxi marshals scheme

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Nuneaton & Bedworth Council in Warwickshire decided in 2014 on a trial of a town centre taxi marshals scheme.

Council’s Biggest-Ever Elections Protected by Leisursec with Bodycams and Video-Capture by Global Focus!

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When Cheshire East Borough Council held recent elections for MPs and MEPs, they also balloted residents for election of 82 Councillors across the region’s 52 Wards.

Increasing Popularity of Town Centre Taxi Marshals

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By: Admin
Groups of people in town centres late at night, after leaving clubs and keen to get home, can easily spark unsociable behaviour that needs to be defused quickly to prevent violence and public disorder.

That’s why an increasing number of councils are appointing Taxi Marshals who are proving to be highly effective in towns and cities - reducing illegal ‘pick ups’, controlling taxi queues, improving the safety of vulnerable persons, and dealing with confrontational situations.