
The growing risk of acid attacks

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By: Shannon

Last November we wrote about the risks security guards face on a regular basis from gun and knife crime.  Statistics show that gun and knife crime has been increasing, but the latest and growing risk of attacks are from acid.

This is not a new crime but the number of attacks has risen sharply and has led to police being issued with emergency acid attack response kits.

Warehouse security review

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By: Shannon

The good news is that crime rates within the UK Transportation and Storage sector dropped 16% between 2012 and 2016 (according to Home Office crime statistics), but this doesn’t mean companies should become complacent about their security arrangements.  

There are a number of ways you can keep your warehouse secure.  Start by looking at the potential areas of weakness; entry and delivery points, inventory storage, personnel and visitors.  

How to choose the right security company

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By: Shannon

Choosing the right security company for your organisation or home is an important decision and there are a number of things to consider.

Firstly; what is it that you require?  Is this something you can answer or do you need an expert to review your site/property and provide you with recommendations?  If you are able to answer the question yourself it will probably be easier for you to identify potential suppliers.